Sunday, March 28, 2010

Road Blocks

While driving along the highway, rushing to work, my view was suddenly obstructed by a massive truck. If there is one thing I hate, it is being stuck behind a truck, while driving. I am an inquisitive driver, who needs to see what lies ahead. As the traffic began to slow down to a snail’s crawl, I became incessantly frustrated by what I couldn’t see. “Was there an accident?” “Was it simply the result of so many cars on the road?” or, “Was a police car in sight?” The truck totally blocked my vision, leaving me with unanswered questions and no clue as to what was going on.

This scenario caused me to reflect on my faith in God. You see, my family is in the midst of a financial setback. As in the case of so many families and individuals, the recession has dramatically impacted our finances. Due to downsizing and layoffs, we went from a six-figure, dual income family to a five-figure, one income family. All of this followed the purchase of a larger home, equipped with a larger mortgage. My husband and I wholeheartedly believe God directed us to this home; we know where God guides he provides. But, my view of the future is obstructed by the uncertainty of the present.

However, the very definition of faith dictates that we trust God, even when we can’t see what’s ahead. Hebrews 11:1 states “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” So, despite the road blocks in my life, I’ve decided to trust God with the unexpected and the unknown. After all, I’ve been on this road before. My husband lost his job more than a decade ago. Yet, in the midst of unemployment we were able to purchase our first home. And, in spite of our current financial situation, our bills are always paid, on time (I don’t know how, according to our budget this shouldn’t be, but then again I do know how, it’s God!).

Back to my commute, that massive truck eventually glided into another lane and my view was no longer encumbered. I learned that it was simply an abundance of cars that caused the traffic on that day. I arrived at work, late but safe. And, I know God will do the same, he will safely direct me to my destiny, despite life’s obstacles.

If you’re like me and your view is currently obstructed, keep the faith. God is there to guide you through your blind spots. Here are a few tips to help you manage the highway of life:

Check your rearview mirror: Remember what God has done in the past. Whether it is one of the many miracles recorded in the Bible, or a personal experience, he has proven that he can and will take care of your simplest and greatest needs.

Get Directions: Proverbs 3:6 states, “In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.” If you pray and consult God, no matter what the obstacle, he will steer you to the path (and opportunities) that are right for you.

Yield: Be prepared to relinquish your situation to God, he can and will handle it. Psalm 55:22 instructs us to give our burdens to the Lord and He will sustain us.

Drive safely!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Living in the Moment

Earlier this month my daughter celebrated her twenty second birthday, which flipped my internal nostalgic switch. I suddenly found myself in a DeLorean, speeding towards the past. (more nostalgia, but hey I’m an eighties teen). It was a road trip filled with mile markers of toothless smiles, a series of firsts, and family funniness.

For me, birthdays are a time of reflection. But in our impulsive driven society, reflection is nothing but a means to see how good we look... or don’t. Let’s face it we are in a society that is constantly waiting for the next big thing. And in the process of doing so, we miss out on the here and now. We miss out on simply being in the moment.

Too many of us suffer from "couldn’t-wait to" syndrome....couldn’t wait to turn 18 (like it’s some magical number that catapults you into adulthood), couldn’t wait to leave home, couldn’t wait to get married, couldn’t wait to have a baby, couldn’t wait for the baby to be out of diapers, couldn’t wait for the baby to walk; just plain couldn’t wait to get out of one stage of life to enter another; STOP! What’s the rush? Time definitely doesn’t need our help. Take time to relish the moments that we have now, once it's gone you can never get them back so...enjoy!

Here are simple ways to live in the moment:

• Focus on the here and now. Be aware of your surroundings. Use your senses: look, listen, smell, touch. This world is constantly changing, so take the time to notice the positives.

• Pay attention to the people around you. Appreciate your child(ren) and where they are in life. Before you know it there twenty-two talking about getting piano keys tattooed on the inside of their forearm.

• Meditate on the goodness of the Lord. To paraphrase Psalm 37:23; every step of a righteous man is ordered by the Lord. You may not be where you want to be in life, but in the time appointed you shall.

• Develop “me” time. Listen to music, get your hair done, put the kids to bed early, take a bubble bath, read, cook something special for yourself, just do you.

• Laugh

Remember James 4:14... For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. Don’t let life pass you by, looking for the next moment. Simply live in it.